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MMD > Archives > June 2023 > 2023.06.24 > 01Prev  Next

Aeolian Duo-Scope Image Projector
By David Evans

Does anyone have any information about the Aeolian Duo-Scope,
a collaboration between the Aeolian Company and the Rile-Sloan
Company of 122 Fifth Avenue, New York City? I imagine it was
short lived, probably dating from the mid 1920s.

The idea was that images were projected to synchronise with
Duo-Art rolls to provide a seamless audio-visual presentation.
I have a leaflet listing 10 Duo-Art rolls that were used,
including "Country Gardens" played by Percy Grainger.

Fifteen images went with the music: Girl with bluebells, English
kitchen garden, Kingsdale Hill Moran, Woodland scene Spring,
Llangolen (sic) bridge, Red waterlilies, waterlilies at Kew,
Flowers in a greenhouse tulips, Rock garden, Flower bed Hyde Park,
Flowers, Primulas at Kew, Flowers in a greenhouse, Flower bed
in Battersea Park, Figure study with poppies.

Unfortunately the leaflet does not mention whether these images
were magic lantern slides, filmstrips, or possibly, but less likely,
short movie film sequences.

If anyone can throw any light (sorry -- pun!) on this enterprise
I should love to hear from you!

David Evans - Editor, Mechanical Music World
Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada

 [ At 
 [ PDF page 88 of 97:
 [ Riley-Sloan Co. Inc., 122 Fifth Ave., N. Y.
 [ Lantern slides for sale or rent.
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 23 Jun 2023, 22:04:31 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Aeolian, Duo-Scope, Image, Projector

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