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MMD > Archives > April 2023 > 2023.04.11 > 01Prev  Next

Seek MIDI File to AMI Wurlitzer Converter
By Wallace Venable

[ Ref. 230403 MMD, Seek MIDI File to AMI Wurlitzer Converter

My thanks to Jack Breen for posting the "Wurlitzer to AMI" information
[230403], and to Craig Williams for his comments [230403]. I didn't say
there was no information, but that I didn't know of publicly available
information. I have what I think is the same data, but mine was obtained
from a private source and was based on Don Stinson's practice.

For the youngsters in our midst, early MIDI-to-Parallel (driver) boards
would accommodate only 32 notes, all in one channel. The "AMI" formats
were, and still are, a good work-around for such boards, but are not
needed with modern programmable boards.

From a mechanical perspective in converting old organs, the "hole order"
setup is probably preferable. For new construction and arranging,
I think a channel for each voice is much better.

I sent an email to Steve Muscato offering to "map" (convert) the Terry
Smythe W-125 and W-150 files I have to his format, but he did not reply.
I have posted the Smythe tunes in ZIP files on the W-125 Builders Forum.
I won't do the work until I know what his needs are. I have already made
MIDI File Mapper maps for several other instrument formats, so more than
half the work is done. I would not charge to do it, and I would post the
results to the W-125 Group. 

Wallace Venable

(Message sent Thu 13 Apr 2023, 16:38:38 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  AMI, Converter, File, MIDI, Seek, Wurlitzer

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