Steve Muscato said [in 230329 MMDigest]:
> I am trying to set up a Wurlitzer 105 band organ and have the Terry
> Smythe scans. Is there a converter program out there to convert these
> scans to a 2-channel format so I can separate the Trumpets?
Robbie noted:
> The Trumpets are already a separate division.
What Robbie said is true, but the Smythe files, at least in the .ZIP
file which I posted on
are in a 7-channel format which was used to provide good audio playback.
The Melody, Accompaniment, Bass, Percussion, Control, and Trumpet are
in separate lines, and need to be re-mapped to fit a specific MIDI file
to drive an instrument. Channel 1 contains only comments, and another is
duplicated to improve the sound.
The problem is further compounded by the fact that "AMI Wurlitzer" is
not a published standard, as far as I know.
It is relatively easy to do the work of merging the files with Mark
Heath's MIDI FILE MAPPER program once you have created an appropriate
"map", but the whole process is far from trivial. Ref.
If I was setting up a new interface for a Wurlitzer 105, I would use
separate channels on a modern, programmable MIDI to parallel board.
Wallace Venable