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MMD > Archives > February 2023 > 2023.02.09 > 01Prev  Next

Arburo (Bursens) 88-note Roll Cutting Project
By Roger Wiegand

I'm pleased to announce that our project to make new Bursens/Arburo
rolls is now underway. This project will include recuts of original
rolls as well as new arrangements from skilled arrangers such as
Tom Meijer.

The rolls are being cut by Brian Thornton, at Pipes of Pan Music
rolls, on very high quality lightly waxed paper. Adjustable plastic
spool ends (with the same set screw arrangement as the original) are
provided. The rolls will come with custom manufactured telescoping
roll boxes covered in a textured burgundy paper. Every effort has
been made to provide a first-rate product.

Most of the initial 12 rolls will be recuts of original rolls that
were not, to my knowledge, included in the Play-Rite recutting project
that was done several decades ago (my list of those is incomplete).
I am working with several arrangers to provide new content as well. If
there is a roll you particularly want please contact me, understanding
that recuts require a source for a good quality original roll for

The initial batch of rolls will be sold as a subscription to a
12-roll series at a cost of $135 per roll ($1620 for 12 rolls) plus
actual postage cost(FedEx or USPS Media Mail for the US, as you
prefer). A $250 deposit will secure your subscription.

Questions are welcome!

Roger Wiegand
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA

 [ "In Antwerp, Arthur Bursens built several hundred relatively
 [ small roll- and book-operated café orchestrions under the trade
 [ name 'Ideal' and 'Arburo' (Arthur Bursens and (Gustav) Roels)."
 [ Source: MMD articles are
 [ indexed at 
 [ and 
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 8 Feb 2023, 19:10:53 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  88-note, Arburo, Bursens, Cutting, Project, Roll

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