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MMD > Archives > November 2022 > 2022.11.28 > 01Prev  Next

Shop Rates for Rebuilding Player Pianos
By Gary Rasmussen

Does anyone have any average 'flat rates' for rebuilding common
automatic musical instrument components? Much of the rebuilding in our
hobby needs to be only charged on a time and materials basis because
each job can be so unique, or a previous rebuilder use glue that won't
come apart without breaking things.

I think there are some fairly common player piano components such
as a Standard Pneumatic player action. I recently rebuilt a Standard
5-pneumatic air motor. I have done many like it. This one had been
previously rebuilt and apparently some of the repairs were done using
yellow glue. This resulted in breaking off some of the bellows and
needing to make new 'bottoms' for them. I spent a total of about 8 hours
on it. Does this seem low or high to someone who does these regularly?

If anyone has any guidelines as to how many hours are typically
required for rebuilding various components of relatively common player
piano or other automatic musical instrument components, that would be
appreciated. Also if any can share what their hourly rate is for
rebuilding work, that would be appreciated.

Gary Rasmussen
Mason, Ohio [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Wed 30 Nov 2022, 00:31:13 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Pianos, Player, Rates, Rebuilding, Shop

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