[ Ref. Robert Barnett in 221113 MMDigest }
Hi Robert! _All_ worm or endless pivots should have a jewel (or
equivalent) on the bearing end. Sometimes Regina put a hard plug in
a hole, held down by a brass plug with set screw. It's easy enough
to replace the plug with a jewel for a better bearing surface.
On many boxes, the bearing plate (be it a jewel or plug) can wear
over time and lack of lubrication and develop a 'pit'. Also, the top
of the pivot can develop a flat spot for the same reason.
Always polish the end of the bearing pivot back to a soft, rounded
'dome', much like a ball-point pen point. I'd also replace the jewel
or plug if there is any pitting. It all makes for a smoother, easier
running surface.
Happy restoring!
Nancy Fratti - Nancy Fratti Music Boxes
Canastota, New York