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MMD > Archives > October 2022 > 2022.10.31 > 01Prev  Next

MechaMusica New Year's Concert on YouTube
By Johnny Claes

In early January 2023, MechaMusica will launch a YouTube New Year's
concert. MechaMusica is the Belgian association of the friends of
automatically playing musical instruments. Our American friends can
also contribute to this concert.

Are you interested in participating? Then send us a video of your
automatic-playing instrument, preferably taking into account the
following guidelines as much as possible:

- Record the video in sufficiently high quality (preferably in
Full HD, 1920x1080) and ensure good sound quality.

- Limit the recording to one song of about 3 minutes. You can of course
sing along with it!

- Personal New Year's wishes with the video are certainly appreciated!

- The deadline for submission is Wednesday 15 December 2021.

- Please use a (free) service such as WeTransfer to transmit the video
to [remove ".geentroep"]

Curious about how this will be handled? You can watch the previous
version via this link: 
(96) MechaMusica vzw Nieuwjaarsconcert 2022 - YouTube
 [ Click "SHOW MORE" ]

Best Regards,

Johnny Claes - Chairman MechaMusica vzw
Tisselt, Willebroek, Belgium [remove ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Mon 31 Oct 2022, 08:59:51 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.)

Key Words in Subject:  Concert, MechaMusica, New, Year's, YouTube

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