Lee Rothrock writes of his dilemma about using rubber bands for putting
around music rolls. I don't like them; they can crush the roll and you
risk tearing it. Plus they go brittle and horrible with age.
As a former lawyer I use "legal tape" -- woven twill cotton tape about
half an inch wide, cut to length as needed. The bright pink variety is
(or used to be) used in England for tying legal documents together. Cut
enough to go round the roll with enough spare to tie a bow knot. Lasts
a lifetime and can be re-used as often as necessary.
The term "legal tape" didn't seem to be recognised on the US version of
a large online retailer I tried, but "cotton tape" pulled up a number
of hits, mainly of the un-dyed version which is probably a better bet
for conservation, long term. At less than 10 dollars for over 50 yards
worth, it isn't expensive either.
Piers Smith-Cresswell
Northampton, UK