There is a very sweet 1995-era steam calliope performance,
played on the Mississippi Queen steam calliope, on YouTube at The program starts
at around time 2:30 and runs 15 minutes.
Of the many performances I've heard, if there is a single performance
not to miss this must be it. Not only is the instrument well tuned,
but the performance is outstanding. I am curious who the calliopist
was and how to reach him.
Also I wonder if printed arrangements of the songs may be available.
I have not seen any calliope music books or even the names of
publishers of it and wonder if players of these instruments just had
to figure out their own arrangements or if music was available?
Stephen B. Small
Kansas City, Missouri
[ The calliopist might be New Orleans entertainer Tom McDermott,
[ visit
[ or it could be Capt. Gabe Chengary; compare with
[ The Mississippi Queen calliope was designed, built and installed
[ circa 1976-1977 by Arthur Davis of Seattle. Ref.
[ and -- Robbie