Greetings everyone, I am Luca Pastore; this is the first intervention
I would like to make on MMDigest. I am Italian, 22 years old at the
moment, and a strong fan since 2010-11 of mechanical music and related
music genres, consistent with the era.
I've been following MMD and other similar spaces for a long time before
I joined and it's been a long time for my first post as well. For the
moment I don't have a player or reproducing piano yet -- I recognise
that it might be a nuisance to the surroundings, living in a flat. With
time we will see.
My field of study is quite different from this subject, but in addition
to being into the player and reproducing piano mechanisms and having
excellent manual dexterity, I am a serial cataloguer who likes to check
and cross-reference sources and cross-check data. Since 2011 I have been
building myself a virtual piano rolls catalogue, which now contains up
to 12,000 titles in a strictly organized manner from a myriad of brands.
It is something I can easily consult and it helps me, in addition to
the 'paper' PDF catalogues, to get my head around the multitude of
information. It's big, in a minimal continuous state of work in progress
(sometimes inaccuracies come to light, that need to be addressed) and
it satisfies me.
Luca Pastore
[ In the next MMDigest Luca shares his research about Frank Milne's
[ pseudonyms that appear on piano rolls. -- Robbie