Hello -- I have seen recent articles in MMDigest regarding the fitting
of MIDI interfaces to various older roll-playing Instruments. I need
to find out who can supply the MIDI interface hardware to operate a
61-note vacuum operated instrument controlled by means of small, high
speed vacuum solenoids, so the interface hardware needs to have probably
64 DC outputs (a standard digital number).
As I live here in New Zealand, I am unable to find anything like this,
and am hoping that someone/somewhere there in the USA with this
knowledge would be able to help.
Thanks, and Kindest Regards,
Kevin Seay
New Zealand
[ I asked Kevin for more information about the project:
Hello, Robbie -- In answer to your questions:
1. I do not have the vacuum solenoids yet; could the MIDI interface
vendor supply them?
2. The voltage and current required would need to be supplied by the
MIDI interface; could the interface vendor provide a power supply?
3. I will need to see the instrument owner to be sure, but probably
standard MIDI files will be played.
4. The system is to be installed in a 5-octave (61-note) older type of
vacuum operated roll player organ; I will find you the exact details.
5. And yes, I would also need some way of being able to manage the
input MIDI data -- a MIDI player, as you rightly suggest.
I am a Fully Qualified Electronics Service Tech, who holds an Electrical
Trade Certificate, and a Current Practicing Licence. MIDI is something
that I have not had much to do with, but I can see that this is a great
idea to generate new music for the older machines.
Once again, Thank You so much!
Kindest Regards,
Kevin Seay
[ The foot-powered reed organ with stops for selecting different voices
[ is an entertaining instrument when operated by a human performer, but
[ the player system Kevin describes has no means to automatically vary
[ the suction nor to control the stops. Does a library of transcribed
[ organ music exist that would suit the limitations of this organ?
[ -- Robbie