Hi Jody and Robbie! First off, thanks very much for starting and keeping
MMD going for over 20 years. Many things have changed during these two
decades and I find MMD an enjoyable source of news and information about
one of my favorite hobbies. I have met many new friends through MMD and
acquired new treasures as well as found good homes for instruments, both
my own as well as for friends who are not on-line.
I second the many thoughts about keeping MMD on an email or messaging
platform. Facebook already has several mechanical music groups and those
are lively and well attended. But there are many drawbacks to Facebook,
the biggest of which is Facebook itself. The pros and cons of Facebook
have been discussed at length in the press as well as on Facebook
Like many others I have considered leaving Facebook but there is
presently no comparable alternative. That said, there are multiple newer
messaging platforms that could be reviewed, including Patreon, Substack
and others that allow paid or free subscriptions plus chat, video
posting, etc., that MMD does not currently support.
Let's keep MMD going and find a good host for its continued support and
Warmly, from freezing Seattle,
Marc Sachnoff
[ MMDigest has been an archived discussion forum since April 1995. See
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/Digests/199504/1995.04.17.html
[ It's also moderated (by me) in order to suppress unsubstantiated
[ criticism that may result in lawsuits. The result is our daily email
[ publication that greatly resembles a local newspaper -- including
[ the 'want ads' and a permanent archive. Platforms like Facebook do
[ provide complementary social messageing services but they don't
[ offer 26 years of on-line archived articles. -- Robbie