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MMD > Archives > November 2021 > 2021.11.04 > 02Prev  Next

Band Organ Joke
By Ingmar Krause

[ Andrew Lardieri wrote in 211103 MMDigest:

> Ref.
> Inspired by Bruce Newman's very first MMD post entitled "Ingmar's
> Joke", you could call someone who owns an American style band organ
> a "roll jockey!" Hence, RJ! Get it?

Funny how old stuff pops back up... It wasn't actually even my joke, but
Claus Kucher's. For lots of other instruments, such as the Ariston disc
organette or Regina disc music boxes, "DJ" is still just as applicable.

Ingmar Krause
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

P.S.: Not really the best of side notes, but for those who knew him,
my dad has passed away at age 84.

 [ Photos of Ingmar and his dad and the family's fair organ are at
 [ and
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Thu 4 Nov 2021, 19:50:43 GMT, from time zone GMT.)

Key Words in Subject:  Band, Joke, Organ

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