[ Ref. Jim Quashnock in 211010 MMDigest ]
If you look up tacks for shaker boxes, you'll find the guy's website
that bought the "Cross Tacks" factory equipment. I know what you mean
about how terribly made "modern" tacks are.
It seems like he bought that equipment about 30 years ago to keep it
from going overseas and I think he only makes copper tacks with it.
He sells some very tiny tacks too yet, like those little one's they
use for bridle straps on piano actions.
It's been awhile since I've had to buy any from him now, but he
is a really nice guy. My brother has spoken with him on the phone
different times and that's how I found out about them. I don't know
of anyone actually making cut steel tacks in the US anymore. Everyone
has gone to using a staple gun.
Anyway, I hope that helps you out some. It's a shame how much harder
it is to find nicely make fasteners these days, isn't it? Good luck
with your restoration projects now,
Earl Hennagir