An elderly man (somewhat younger than I am) contacted me by phone last
week asking whether I had any good band organ recordings like I sent him
years ago -- so long ago that I have today no memory of such contact.
His problem is that he has no Internet access, which leaves him at a loss
to know what is available or to sample good band organ sounds. He is,
I think, mostly interested in good-quality recording of larger organs
like the Wurlitzer 165's which he says I sent him.
I myself am not really up-to-date with sources for band organ recordings
and I know that some of the old-timers like Harvey Roehl, who issued the
Marion Roehl Recordings, are no longer with us, while Chris Carlisle and
Bill Black do still offer quality tapes and CD's.
So I am asking MMD'ers for suggestions of other sources for quality band
organ recordings that I can recommend to the man who phoned me. I think
it unlikely that at his age (83 or so) he is going to be able to explore
the Internet.
Matthew Caulfield
Irondequoit, New York