[ Ref. John Ravert, Sr. in 210226 MMDigest ]
Hi group, to my knowledge, the Wurlitzer orchestrion "wonderlamp"
or "wonderlight" replicas are built by James Lowell of Arizona who
is (was?) a long-time AMICA and/or MBSI member. (He's not in the
2020 AMICA directory; hope he decides to rejoin in the future).
He did an article about them for the AMICA "Bulletin" several years
ago, maybe like 2011-2015 or so.
He's listed in the 2017 AMICA Directory in Arizona if you have this
and would like to look him up. Maybe he still has a few left to sell
or might do another batch.
Andrew Barrett
[ The Wurlitzer Wonder Light history is given at
[ https://www.mechanicalmusicpress.com/registry/wurlitzer/db_wcp.htm
[ MMD articles by James Lowell about the "Wonder Light" are indexed at
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/Digests/201101/2011.01.23.06.html
[ -- Robbie