YouTube being YouTube (again)
For those who publish videos of their instruments on YouTube, this
might be of interest. I'm not sure if others have had this issue,
but from time to time YouTube's copyright bot will place a copyright
claim on one or more of my videos.
I'm always careful to make sure everything I post is Public Domain,
but none-the-less I will invariably get a claim on things like "Over
the Waves", or "Sweet Rosie O'Grady", and such. I normally just dispute
the claim with a few insults regarding the intelligence (or lack
thereof) of the claimant, and after thirty days it goes away.
However, just today I got another claim on "Over the Waves" so I
decided to find the music that I was allegedly infringing, just to see
how stupid YouTube's copyright ID bot was.
To my surprise, the intro to a heavy metal album entitled "Carnival of
Killers" featured about thirty seconds of my Wurlitzer 145B playing
"Over the Waves". Apparently the band (which was appropriately named
"Macabre"), had taken the audio from my video clip and incorporated it
into their album.
My video:
Their album:
This album is not exactly my taste in music (if it can be even called
that). However, it is apparently somewhat popular in its genre, so I
guess I should be flattered that out of all of the organs on YouTube
playing that piece, they chose mine. But for me to get a copyright
claim for them using _my_ work is a bit irritating.
Of course I sent a relatively polite email to their record company
reminding them that they should get permission before using someone
else's work, even if it is just recording a video.
Any thoughts?
Art Thompson [delete ".geentroep" to reply]