I was most pleased to receive a reply (210202 MMDigest) from the
registrar of the MBSGB to my MMD request for information about
a 36-tune interchangeable cylinder music box I am considering.
This register must be a wonderful tool for tracing music boxes where
such entries exist. In this case, 40 years have elapsed and the box
is now on the other side of the world in Australia where it has passed
through at least two more owners. Unfortunately, the maker was not
listed so I am none the wiser since the only name on it was the much
later retailer.
I have looked at pictures on the 'net of similar instruments, the
nearest I could find was by F. Conchon. Does anyone out there have
pictures or information about that maker? This one doesn't have a tune
counter or "bells and whistles" as some others of Conchon's seem to
Darrell Clarke
Adelaide, South Australia