Over recent years I have taken note of several Nicole Freres
Grand Format boxes that do not play overtures. The first that came
to my attention plays two stunning pieces, each on two revolutions.
A recording can be found on the following CD, produced by the
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) and edited by
Helmut Kowar:
(I recommend that anyone with an interest in the quality of the musical
performance that can be found on a cylinder box should buy a copy as it
contains some remarkable music.)
Since then I have taken note of a few others:
* two variation boxes, each on a solo theme;
* a couple with the proclamation of being presented in 'developments';
* another box playing a single piece non-stop for approximately
14 minutes, and most recently,
* one where the tune sheet reads '4 grand aires (each different)
presented in variations' quite mind boggling; the last piece is
a variation on a piece by William Wallace, which in itself was
a fantasy on Don Pasquale by Donizetti.
If any one reading this in the MMD fraternity has a similar box,
particularly grand format, I would very much like to hear from them;
a simple image of the programme sheet would be most welcome.
I'm looking for any of the following words: Variations, Developments,
Fantasies or anything that suggests anything other than 4 overtures.
Thanks in advance, and a Happy New Year to all,
Mark Singleton