[ Ref. John Tuttle in 2020.11.03 MMDigest ]
I have been out of radio range until recently and have missed the boat
on this topic. In the MMD archives is a paper I prepared some years
ago titled: "Force Development in Pneumatic Motors". I've not seen
the AMICA publication on the subject.
The results are expressed as 'Force' versus 'Opening', where the
opening is expressed as a fraction of the full open distance (or span),
measured at the end of the pneumatic. Of course, the operating point
of the pneumatic is some small distance out from the end of the moving
board, so the force is modified by this small amount.
As well, the force is reduced by the action of the pneumatic cloth as
it compresses at the 'Fully closed' position. This further reduces the
force and stresses the need for a light weight, thin, easily compressed
Paul Rumpf
Melbourne, Australia
[ Paul's article, Force Development in Pneumatic Motors, appeared in
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/Digests/200812/2008.12.15.06.html
[ and his complete technical paper, "Mechanical Forces Developed in
[ Pianola Pneumatic Motors", is presented at
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Gallery/Tech/rumpf_1.pdf
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Gallery/Tech/rumpf_1.doc
[ The article published in the AMICA Bulletin is
[ Peter W. Brown: "A Contribution to the Theory of Striker Pneumatics",
[ The AMICA Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 6-10, January/February, 1995
[ http://www.amica.org/MembersOnlyProtected/Files/Bulletins/1995/32-01.pdf
[ This discussion topic was introduced in MMDigest 24 years ago, in 1996;
[ see https://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/KWIC/F/force.html -- Robbie