[ Ref. 201119 MMD, Michael Broadway In Classical Pianola Video ]
Michael Broadway in 1990 gave a concert in Rome with an Aeolian
Pianola (photo attached) identical to that of the video sent by
Mr. Arthur Jones of North West Player Piano Association. The photo
is taken from a book written in 1990 by our Honorary President
Antonio Latanza.
Currently this Pianola is (attached photo) in a room of our Museum
dedicated to mechanical music which is located in Cesena in the
North East of Italy. The Pianola is connected to a Steinway Welte
piano (two photos in the North room).
This Pianola belonged to Alessandro Bonci, a famous tenor born in
Cesena, my city, whose 150th anniversary is celebrated this year.
Alessandro Bonci was an internationally renowned tenor, at the
Metropolitan in New York he was paid three times the price of Caruso.
Bonci recorded for the Edison cylinders and Diamond Disc in our museum.
In Edison's office at the Thomas Edison Center there is a photo of
Alessandro Bonci.
Enrico Caruso also owned an Aeolian piano, in the attached photo
a drawing made by Caruso
Franco Severi
President Ammi, President 'Fondazione Franco Severi Onlus'
Cesena, Italy
[ article with photos
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/20/11/27/201127_123937_articolo%20per%20MMD.docx