For sale, free, from the Ralph Schultz collection: a roll frame
from an Auto-typist machine made by American Automatic Typewriter Co.
This description is from Art Reblitz's files:
"When Seeburg/Western Electric went out of business, they sold the
Western Electric piano Selectra mechanism rights to Otto Schulz of
the Schulz piano company, and he proceeded to market the roll-operated
Auto-Typist, copying elements of the spoolbox design from the Western
Electric piano spoolbox. I think the tracker bar is 5 holes per inch,
but I'm not sure.
"They were used by letter-duplicating services before the era of
computer printers. I serviced them for a local lady who was still
operating them in the early 1970s, and I bought several rolls of roll
paper from Schulz, which I used for making new music roll arrangements
on my drawing board (also pre-computer)."
This is the roll frame from such a machine. The price is right, just
pay the postage.
Ralph J. Schultz
Belle Plaine, Minnesota [delete ".geentroep" to reply]
[ Art Reblitz wrote about the Schulz Auto-typist in 1998.07.16 MMD, at
[ -- Robbie