Hello Jody, On the rolls subject, I have not made any for a few years,
only some tunes that I was interested in just for the 88-note type.
If you can suggest some music for me to make an "O" roll it would be
good and/or to mention to the readers of the MMDigest.
Steve Bentley
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
P.S.: My six "O" rolls totaling 69 tunes are still in the market place.
P.P.S.: The print size [displayed] is too small in the messages
and information you send. Any chance you can rectify this for my
computer? It would be good to know if anyone else has the same
[ You can magnify the size of the print by using the CTL-+ option in
[ your browser on most computers. Others may have suggestions too.
[ --Jody