[ Ref. Ingmar Krause in 200613 MMDigest ]
Dear Jody, dear Ingmar, congrats to Ingmar's fine website! When
I visited Kai Rafeldt of Deleika some two weeks ago, we discussed
the matters of organ-building under todays circumstances.
In Germany and Austria it seems there are only a few main sources
of organs left, such as Stueber, Deleika and Christian Wittmann, who
were mentioned in Ingmar's post. Another two companies are based at
Waldkirch: Jaeger & Brommer and Achim Schneider.
In Switzerland two young brothers still build organs; the firm is
called Orgelbau Fuchs, but they are mainly repairing and restoring
historical instruments. In France the firms of Johann Gebert and
Odin are still in business building new instruments.
This short listing isn't complete, I'm afraid, but should deliver an
overview. If anybody knows about other professional builders feel
free to add those into your own post!
Here the links to the appropriate websites:
Uwe Gernert
[ Ingmar later supplied these links to additional firms:
[ LeLudion, Toulouse: http://www.leludion.fr/
[ Verbeeck, Belgium: https://www.j-verbeeck.be/
[ Cautin, France: http://www.orgue-barbarie.com/
[ Pauli, Belgium: http://pauliphonic.be/
[ Claus Kucher of Vienna told me long ago that Deleika is
[ an abbreviation for "Deutscher Leierkasten". See also
[ http://www.drehorgel-online.com/ -- Robbie