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MMD > Archives > May 2020 > 2020.05.18 > 02Prev  Next

Patrick Wrasse Instrument Moving Trips Planned
By Dave Krall

Patrick has scheduled two moving trips for piano (or any other
mechanical music machine).  The first is from Colorado down to Texas
and back to Colorado.  He is able to cover Denver, Colorado Springs,
etc. and major cities in Texas such as Amarillo, Dallas-Ft. Worth,
Austin, and San Antonio, etc.  He is leaving this Saturday, May 23
and can pick up just about anywhere in Colorado and then heading down
to Texas.

He is scheduling a second trip in about 3-1/2 weeks through New Mexico
and on to California, covering San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco
areas and then east to Reno, Nevada, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and then
back to Colorado.  A trip is in the works to head up to the Midwest
including Chicago.

Patrick can hold on to any items you might have that then would be
delivered on subsequent trips.  You can contact him by phone at
1-719-985-9127 or email him at [delete
".geentroep" to reply].

Patrick is very reliable and has quite a few years experience working
with his dad, John Wrasse, in the piano moving business and he knows
how to handle and carefully pack our prized instruments (or anything
else you need moved.)

Dave Krall
Hammond, Indiana

(Message sent Mon 18 May 2020, 18:38:32 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Instrument, Moving, Patrick, Planned, Trips, Wrasse

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