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MMD > Archives > May 2020 > 2020.05.16 > 01Prev  Next

Happy 25th Birthday to Mechanical Music Digest
By Terry Smythe

Many thanks to Matthew Caulfield for remembering MMD's 25th anniversary.
It seems almost magical that 25 years ago, Jody and I found one another
on the 'Net.  Together we agreed to start up a discussion group for
like-minded people.

We both had resources, he with Foxtail and I was on the Board of the
brand new Winnipeg Freenet.  Jody's foresight to use his
internet domain proved vital, as a year later the Freenet evaporated.

I am ever so grateful that Jody has persevered over the years and kept
MMD functioning reliably, but also nourishing it into a first class
resource.  He is to be commended and I extend my most sincere
appreciation for his dedication, counsel and guidance.

Regards and best wishes for another 25 years!

Winnipeg, Canada

 [ Terry, thank you for the pat on the back.  It's been a lot of fun
 [ and very interesting, and I've made a lot of friends along the way.

 [ Thank you for suggesting that I set up the mailing list when we first
 [ met online and for seeding the list with names of interested people.
 [ I'm so glad that Robbie became interested and has become the
 [ day-to-day editor for more years that I can remember.   Matthew
 [ Caulfield has also helped by critiquing articles, doing research,
 [ and editing.  A big "Thank You" to Bob Fitterman who wrote the
 [ software that indexes the MMD articles and generates the Archives
 [ section of the website.  He wrote that software for us in 1997
 [ when I requested a volunteer to help because the search engine of
 [ the day -- Alta Vista, was very good but only indexed about 1/3 of
 [ the website because there were already too many articles than
 [ it could manage. Thanks everyone for participating!  --Jody

(Message sent Sat 16 May 2020, 16:42:59 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  25th, Birthday, Digest, Happy, Mechanical, Music

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