On the topic of musical machines in their original settings, may I add
a couple more examples, both in Britain? One is the Welte Philharmonic
organ at Salomons Estate, Kent, a unique instrument which was specially
modified to play both organ and orchestrion rolls.
Full details in an article written by (the late) Graham Whitehead
before the instrument was restored can be found on http://mbsgb.org.uk/
Go to "Publications", scroll down to "The Music Box", and follow links
to find volume 12, no. 5, or type in "Welte, Salomons Pipe Organ" in
the subject search of "old" issues.
The other is an Imhof and Mukle orchestrion, one of the largest ever
built, on the Scottish Island of Rum. Again, further details can be
found at
This latter instrument is in desperate need of restoration if it is to
survive for future generations. More information on the bid to save
it can be found by going to http://kinlochcastlefriends.org/kcfa/
Additional information of both and recordings of the Kinloch
orchestrion can be found by "googling" the instruments individually.
Alison Biden, MBSGB