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MMD > Archives > May 2020 > 2020.05.12 > 02Prev  Next

Chiming Clock Plays Built-in Piano
By Mark Kinsler

I knew there had to be one of these!  Here's another musical
and horological miracle the world couldn't live without:  

It's a chiming clock that uses neither bells nor wire gongs.  Nope
-- it's like a little piano, which means that it gets out of tune
and isn't very loud.

Over at the NAWCC clock-repair group we were discussing the rotten-
sounding chime rods in a Seth Thomas clock I'd been fixing , and I'd
wondered if anyone had tried making a piano-clock.  Yes, they had,
says one of the experts, and it wasn't particularly popular, though the
clock collectors over there pursue this sort of thing as curiosities.

I, on the other hand, don't collect clocks; I just fix them, which
provides our household with a continuous stream of antique clocks and
other curiosities, but eventually they leave and I get paid.  They're
still coming in, though I don't think Ohio's governor has declared
antique clock repair to be an essential business.  Pity!

Mark Kinsler
Lancaster, Ohio USA

(Message sent Tue 12 May 2020, 05:30:42 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Built-in, Chiming, Clock, Piano, Plays

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