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MMD > Archives > April 2020 > 2020.04.30 > 01Prev  Next

Special on "Disc Musical Box" Book & Supplement
By Kevin McElhone

In order to speed-up the sale of the last 300+ copies of the
M.B.S.G.B. publication, "The Disc Musical Box," I can make this
offer to anyone outside of USA and Canada.  If you live in USA and
Canada please contact Nancy Fratti who also has a special offer on
at the moment on these books [200423 MMD].  See here for details
of the book: 

The original book of nearly 500 pages, plus a computer disc of an
additional 2,000 photos, tune lists, etc., was originally published
in 2012 at £70 UK pounds.  The hardback supplement of 100 pages was
published in Sept 2018 at £30 UK pounds so this would total £100
UK pounds.

The books are currently listed on the society website at £80 for
the pair.  Until the end of June 2020 the price will be reduced to
£65 UK pounds for the _two_ books to members and £70 UK pounds to
non-members, plus shipping from the UK.  Please place an order
promptly in case the country is shut down completely with the
on-going coronavirus situation.

Please note:  Cheques will _not_ be accepted in payment as this will
involve the risk of queuing at the bank to pay it in; thank you for

I have also reduced my personal stock, for example, 50% off original
player piano 88-note rolls; please ask for details.  Please contact

Kevin McElhone
Northampton, England [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Thu 30 Apr 2020, 08:06:46 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Book, Box, Disc, Musical, Special, Supplement

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