First, "Thank you very much!" to those of you that have contributed to
support the MMD in the past!
If you haven't contributed to the publication of the MMD in the last
12 months, we hope you'll consider making a contribution now.
If you aren't sure when you last contributed, please e-mail me at [delete .geentroep] and I'll be happy
to look you up in our records.
If you want to send us a check, please make your check payable to
"The Foxtail Group"
and send it to:
The Foxtail Group
9880 N. Magnolia Ave #353
Santee CA, 92071
If you mail a check, please e-mail me and let me know it's coming. Because
of the Covid-19 lockdown, I'm not going out to check this box very often.
If you want to use PayPal, you can use the PayPal link near the bottom
of this web page or the PayPal donation button at the bottom of most MMD
website pages. If you have trouble with PayPal, please let us know.
Thank you for your generous support! -- Jody
P.S. While your support is needed and appreciated, you do not need to
contribute to be a subscriber. If you have subscribed and aren't receiving
your Digest, there is a technical issue, not a money issue. Please use
the contact form at the bottom of the page and let me know if you are
not getting your MMD. Thanks!