Collaborative Arts & Mechanical Music at the Morris Museum
I thought MMD'ers might like to see yet another way to introduce
and engage our youth to the magic of mechanical music:
NJTV News recently captured a unique workshop with composer and
keyboardist Phyllis Chen here at the Morris Museum, in the Bickford
Theatre, as she prepared to create a new, exciting work for our next
Live Arts performance.
Participants hole-punched their drawings into paper, music-box scrolls
and heard their miniature compositions played on the spot. They will now
be woven by Ms. Chen into a larger work, Floating Verses: Morristown.
Chen returns on March 13 and 14 to premiere this work, along with
another new composition, which she is currently writing, inspired by her
recent visit to the Museum's Guinness Collection.
Headlining the concert will be her acclaimed work, Lighting the Dark,
a large scale solo work that incorporates two toy pianos, a clavichord,
an accordion and custom made music boxes, examining femininity through
sound. Tickets at
Hoping to see you here!
Jere Ryder - Morris Museum
Morristown, New Jersey