An MBSI and AMICA friend of mine is restoring a Wicks 5-rank 2-manual
mortuary organ, Opus 1130, with a roll player that will play a
standard 88-note roll but also takes an Artistouch Consolette Series
Roll or a Artistouch CR Roll. Sorry, I don't know the difference.
My friend has one original roll that has Clark on it, and takes
30 minutes to play. He would like to locate more organ rolls.
I will forward any response.
Mike Perry [delete ".geentroep" to reply]
[ The player system on the mortuary organ is probably the
[ Roesler-Hunholz "Artistouch" player system. Art Reblitz wrote,
[ "Clark supplied "Artistouch" (later "Consolette") music rolls for
[ the Roesler-Hunholz Concert Organ player system. The music roll
[ was 11.25 inches wide, 9 holes-per-inch, with 100 channels."
[ Ref.
[ Search for Roesler, Roesler-Hunholz, Artistouch and Consolette at
[ -- Robbie