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MMD > Archives > February 2020 > 2020.02.20 > 06Prev  Next

Coinola Cupid Parts
By Don Teach

The decal is just the center part of the large one with the wreath from
Pierce Decals.  There are two sizes and only the large one was actually
used by Coinola.  I made the wreath for them at one time and still have
a couple.

The tubing has been found on original instruments in two variations.
Most commonly it is tubed like a Seeburg Junior.

The switches are Piano Soft Off/On and Mandolin Off/On.  Both are
installed in line with the tracker bar tube going to the valves for the
soft pedal and mandolin.  The levers on the front are 1/16-inch brass
stock with rounded edges, available from McMaster Carr.

The Cupid has the Coinola mandolin with the sliding pieces that hit
the strings struck by the hammer shanks.

Don Teach
Shreveport, Louisiana

 [   Piano Soft Off/On
  [   Mandolin Off/On
  [   Coinola Chicago decal
  [   Coinola Cupid upper front

(Message sent Thu 20 Feb 2020, 02:56:12 GMT, from time zone GMT-0600.)

Key Words in Subject:  Coinola, Cupid, Parts

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