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Ampico Original Piano Trio
By Peter Phillips

The recent posting by Jim Miller concerning the Original Piano Trio
[190923 MMDigest] raises a question: did Ampico have more than one
recording piano?  The Musical Courier article that Jim included in his
posting states "In the Ampico recording laboratories, the Original
Piano Trio play [a song] on three pianos just as they do on stage."

But when interviewed by Nelson Barden, Adam Carroll asserted there was
only ever one recording piano, which he described as a "6-foot grand,
without a name on it."  Angelico Valerio remarks that the 'new recording
piano' in 1926 was not a new piano, simply a new piano action fitted
with the revised recording system.

When one considers the number of rolls recorded by Ampico, it is clear
that the recording piano would have been in almost constant use, if
indeed there was only one of them. And if there was only one recording
piano, how did the Original Piano Trio record their incredible
arrangements?  Four hands might work, but six?!

Obenchain reports that the  group (Fairchild,  Clair and Dilworth) also
performed at a Wanamaker's concert under Alexander Russell in 1922.
Was it on one piano or three?

The Musical Courier, like many trade magazines of the times published
articles provided by companies that paid to advertise in the magazine.
Called advertorial articles, these had one aim, to beef up sales.  So,
it may be that the article in question is not entirely factual.

But again a question, where was the photo of the Original Piano Trio
and the three grand pianos taken?  It does not appear to be a recording
studio, so perhaps it was taken at the Wanamaker's concert.

So many questions!

Peter Phillips  
Padstow, NSW, Australia

(Message sent Sat 28 Sep 2019, 05:02:05 GMT, from time zone GMT+1000.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampico, Original, Piano, Trio

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