Hi, I first thought of the Mechanical Music Center, owned by Bill
Edgerton, but Bill never charged an admission. Well, I suppose it
depends on your definition. Although there was no fee to _enter_ the
Mechanical Music Center, it often cost you several hundred or thousand
dollars to get out!
I think your friend remembers Art Sanders' Musical Museum, which was
in Deansboro, New York, up near Utica. Art had a nice variety of music
machines and a band organ playing in the parking lot. He must have had
tolerant neighbors.
I know of several people who bought some of Art's machines at the final
auction over a decade ago. One friend got a box of barrel organ parts
(no case). He and another friend built a case for it and my friend
pinned a couple tunes on the blank barrel.
Another friend bought the Mills Violano, which was in terrible shape.
He restored it completely -- a gargantuan job. He is on MMD and it
would be interesting if he chooses to describe the rather amazing
situation when he bid on it.
Craig Smith