Low-cost Utility Blower Available At Surplus
By Spencer Chase
The blower suggested by George Potter looks like an excellent deal
[190417 MMDigest]. I have had similar blowers and there are a few
very useful features.
I do not know about this specific motor but all the ones I have
experimented with are universal and will run on AC or DC with voltage
controlling their speed. You do not need a fancy DC motor controller
to vary the speed -- a simple Variac will do.
These motors are industrial strength and are different from motors
taken out of vacuum cleaners. The vacuum cleaner blowers depend on
pump air to cool the windings. If you block off the vacuum or exhaust
you risk burning out the motor. These blowers have a separate cooling
fan (at least it looks like they do from the picture) which means they
are much safer to use where vacuum or pressure demand varies.
Spencer Chase
(Message sent Fri 19 Apr 2019, 02:01:53 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.) |