Bruce, Greetings from The Bronx! In regards to your request
on how to restore the Lauter-Humana pouch type roll wind motor
[190402 MMDigest], there was a product available from Player Piano
Headquarters of Boonton, New Jersey: a jig for restoring the
above-mentioned roll motor. I had no use for it, so I had no need
to order it. It consisted of a jig assembly that would hold and
'dish' the pouch units in preparation for reassembly.
If I recall correctly, the Lauter-Humana pianos were manufactured in
New Jersey, so it was the perfect project pianos for two of former
members of the then New Jersey Chapter of AMICA to rebuild. So much
so that they had restored several of them, and only them, before
retiring to Florida.
You might request if anybody has the Lauter-Humana pouch jig that they
will sell it or loan it to you. And if there was a set of instructions
that came with said jig, they might be able to at least copy them and
forward a set of copies to you for a 'plan of attack' on the pouch
style piano roll wind motor of the Lauter-Humana player piano.
Hope this helps,
D. F. Rowe
Bronx, New York [delete ".geentroep" to reply]