The May-June 2019 edition of The AMICA Bulletin has been published and
sent to digital subscribers. The printed edition is being completed
now and will be mailed so AMICA members receive it by around April 20.
Our featured article tells the story in pictures and text of the Bovey
Collection in Virginia City and Nevada City, Montana. Written by long-
time curator Mike Edwards, this large and wonderful vintage collection
of everything mechanical music and related artifacts is somewhat remote
so it's not visited and appreciated by most enthusiasts, but you can
learn all about it here.
This issue also features Part Two of our three-part series on
"A Complete Guide to MIDI", with an additional seven articles about
MIDI's use, technical features, and products.
But there's still much more to enjoy. In fact, this issue by article
count is our largest in many years. If you aren't an AMICA member,
join now at to get this great issue and future
Glenn Thomas- editor and publisher, The AMICA Bulletin [delete ".geentroep" to reply]