[ Ref. 190330 MMDigest ]
The final departure of the Seaside carousel is of poignant sadness to
me. I spent some happy times riding it as a boy of the 1950s and '60s.
It was a monument of youths' joy, housed within that penny arcade from
perhaps better times.
I would pray that in its new location in Marion (Illinois?) it may
continue its core purpose for existing -- that being to bring joy to
many children, and adults as well who shine with inner reminiscences
of their own youths forever past.
Otherwise should it become an object on private or public exhibition,
maybe viewed, played on rare occasion, but never more bringing forth
to voice the inner joy born to every child? That would be one great
For the Seaside Carousel was of the New Jersey Shore. It survived
Mother Nature's terrible devastation, leaving so little in Her wake.
The proud Carousel was spared. Might there not be a reason, beyond
conventional wisdom?
It is not about the material. We collectors delight in ownership of
things antique, historic value and personal nostalgia. In reality we
all are caretakers; often just renters. Possession is temporary.
American heritage must be preserved, even for a younger generation,
seemingly ever less mindful of their roots. Maybe a carousel ride
in the salt air might redirect young lives towards things wonderful.
Perhaps the youngsters deserve the right of such experience. Maybe
such personal education is in fact owed them by us fathers and mothers.
There are, within our Fellowship, unfathomable personal resources.
Is there truly no way to keep the Seaside Carousel in rightful position
as it belongs? Not a replica -- this is not about money and self
glorification. This is for the youngsters and for American heritage.
If we are not about our Children and Country, then who are we.
Frank Himpsl
[ Frank, the move to Marion, Ohio, is only temporary. After the
[ carousel is restored it will be returned to Seaside Heights, to a
[ new site about five blocks north on the beach between Carteret Ave.
[ and Sampson Ave.
[ A news report of Mar 26, 2019, quoted a statement by the Casino Pier
[ operating company: "The Carousel will be closing April 7th and we
[ look forward to seeing the Carousel reopen in the future at its new
[ home on the north end of The Classic American Boardwalk." Ref.
[ https://patch.com/new-jersey/tomsriver/seaside-heights-carousel-closing-april-7-repairs-move
[ and https://www.app.com/story/news/local/redevelopment/2019/03/08/seaside-heights-carousel-will-be-moved-money-sought-new-home/3094352002/
[ -- Robbie