I am attempting to reconstruct a very poorly put together nickelodeon
conversion from about 35 years ago. The player piano is from Bond
Piano Company. It was originally equipped with a standard double-valve
action, but the previous technician removed the primary valve chest
and inserted bleeds in the secondary pouch board. It was still working
feebly when I acquired it, and I don't think there will be a problem
with repetition.
My question has to do with the suction supply to the triangle,
woodblock, single snare and repeating snare which are all going to be
located above the stack in front of the piano action. It would be very
convenient to tap into the note pneumatic stack for valve control and
a suction supply to these components.
If I was to do this would it create a hindrance for the proper
functioning of the main stack when everything was operating because
of a possible excessive call for suction? Would I be safer in creating
a path to suction for these instruments down to the wind trunk under
the key bed that still partially exists from the original standard
pneumatic action pump set?
Bear in mind that this is to be an O-roll nickelodeon which will
therefore also be equipped with a mandolin rail, a bass drum, a cymbal,
and an accordion in the basement of the piano. In addition, what would
you recommend for a minimum level of suction that the motor box is
capable of producing to run all of these instruments along with the
I much appreciate any counsel and recommendations! Thank you so much!
Lance P. Reed
[ The (former) primary valves would be a big help controlling the
[ accordion. How will you turn it on and off? -- Robbie