The January-February, 2019, edition of The AMICA Bulletin is complete and being printed now. It will shortly be mailed to AMICA members who should receive it around Christmas. Electronic subscribers should be getting their emailed .pdf copy about now.
This edition features Matt Jaro's extensive article on Ron Bopp, editor of the Carousel Organ Association of America's "Carousel Organ." For the first time, read about Ron's incredible background in mechanical music, and see descriptions and pictures of his extensive and rotating collection.
Frank Himpsl provides a second major feature revealing the life and times of blues pianist J. Russel Robinson. The article includes images of most of Robinson's piano rolls, and provides information how AMICA members can enjoy MIDI files of these rolls on their own pianos and devices.
Finally, if you are a fan of James Dundon's Mechanical Music Radio, an extensive interview complete with pictures of how this radio station provides the music is included.
You won't want to miss this edition. If you are not an AMICA member, join now at the beginning of the year and get this and every other issue throughout the year delivered to your mailbox or electronic device. Visit
Glenn Thomas - The AMICA Bulletin, editor and publisher [delete ".geentroep" to reply]