Another Link in the Chain Broken
The announcement in the 18.12.09 MMD of the death of Hayes McClaran
came as a shock to me. I knew Hayes not as a contributor to the MMD but
as a man interested in Wurlitzer band organs and their preservation.
The July 2007 issue of the Carousel Organ Association of America's
"Carousel Organ" has my article on Hayes' instrumental role in getting
his Wurlitzer 165 band organ its new -- and hopefully permanent --
home at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Park, where it now plays today.
Here is a link to my article:,%20Matthew%20Caulfield_%20_32.pdf
It's a shame that the colors in the linked text are not as vivid as
they are when viewed in actuality or even in the paper version of the
COAA article. But it does show what Hayes accomplished.
Matthew Caulfield
Irondequoit, New York
[ Matthew wrote in 130726 MMDigest about Hayes McClaran's Wurlitzer
[ organ, "The façade of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk's Wurlitzer
[ 165band organ was used as a model, and one like it was carved for
[ Seabreeze by a Mexican carving shop." -- Robbie