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"Pictures At An Exhibition" On Duo-Art Rolls
By Ian Mavor

Back in the 1970s, when I was a little younger and heavy into
rebuilding player pianos, I met a guy I considered a musical genius.
His name is Ted Perrin.  Lost track of him years ago.

Ted wanted to make some piano rolls, so we started out with two small
ones: "The Homecoming" and "Peter Piper".  He listened to a young man
play them on my Weber Duo-Art and then they were cut by hand.

I did the Duo-Art coding -- a real labor of love.  I had created a set
of push buttons to be tubed in parallel with the expression holes on the
tracker bar so I could listen to a roll and decide on the expression
levels; it worked quite well.  We had 20 copies made by Play-Rite and
sold them.  I still have one of the original hand-cut masters.

We got more ambitious.  Ted got the sheet music for the complete score
of "Pictures at an Exhibition" and made original rolls, a 2-roll set.
Again I did the Duo-Art coding; it took hundreds of hours.  Play-Rite
also copied these (20 copies) -- they sounded pretty good if I do say

After that experience we also made Schubert's "Wanderer Fantasy" (20
copies).  Then we got really ambitious and created a four roll set of
Beethoven's "Emperor" piano concerto.  All the music was cut and the
first two rolls were Duo-Art coded (an enormous job) when for some
reason we lost interest in the project.  I went through a house fire
and my Weber Louis XVI got cooked -- the case looked like a heat gun
was taken to upper part and I ended up selling the piano after an
inferior refinishing job.

After my wife passed I had rejoined AMICA after many years and visited
the San Francisco convention.  I went on home visits and ended up at
Bill Kaiser's home in Santa Rosa and he had my "Wanderer Fantasy" and
I heard it again for the first time in 25 years.  When I got home I had
an opportunity to re-acquire a Weber upright that I had restored in the
late 70's.

To make a long story short, I have managed to get back "Pictures at
an Exhibition", "Wanderer Fantasy", the Beethoven "Emperor" concerto
(now completed) and some other rolls of sentimental value.  I have
thought about copying some, but there does not seem to be a market.
Maybe someone is interested?

Also, I have managed to collect a copy of every piano concerto listed
in Charles Davis Smith's Duo-Art Catalog except the Tchaikowsky No. 1
(listed as C-916-1088-1089-1090) and played by Grainger.  I would love
to get a copy but I haven't yet seen one anywhere.  If you know where
there is one or want any other info, please email me or call the number
in the AMICA members listing.

Ian Mavor [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Fri 19 Oct 2018, 14:09:34 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  An, Duo-Art, Exhibition, Pictures, Rolls

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