The Empire Organette is a 24-note organette, pressure-operated,
and it looks similar to an Ariston with one major difference. It
plays metal discs and is in fact the only disc-shifting organette
which plays two revolutions from each metal disc, rather like certain
models of New Century, Sirion and Tannhauser Disc Musical Boxes.
I am trying to collect tune titles for these rare discs and from
two sources, so far, I have the following tunes, mostly one tune on
two revolutions, but 30036 & 30125 have two different tunes on them.
Can any reader help with more titles from their own instrument or
perhaps know of one in a museum?
30000 Hänsel & Gretel. Tanz Duett
30005 First Dream of Love. Don Cesar. R. Dellinger
30006 Martha Potpourri
30024 Lustige Bruder. Jolly Fellows Waltz. Vollstedt
30029 Der Freischütz. Potpourri
30036 Glühwurmchen Idyll [Glow-worm] + Stephanie Gavotte
30062 Der Feldprediger. Traumwalzer
30063 Operette Nanon Annen Walzer
30078 Der Vogelhändler Adam Walzer
30086 My Queen Waltz / Ma Reine Valse / Meine Königin Walzer
30097 Das Spitzentuch der Königin. Roses from the South, Waltz. Strauss
30125 Bis früh um Fünfe Marsch + Nimm mich mit. Polka-Lied
12 titles at 17-October-2018
I would welcome more tunes for the Baskanion Disc Musical Box as
mentioned recently, thank you.
Kevin McElhone