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MMD > Archives > September 2018 > 2018.09.18 > 09Prev  Next

FS: Chein PianoLodeon in So. California
By RJ Ingram

I have seen John Tuttle's Player Care tutorial on these, and it is very
informative.  Although I can't personally offer a how-to for the repair
of the PianoLodeon, I do have several (7) of these that I had plans of
restoring one day.  I have so many other hobbies and jobs to do that
I never have the time to devote to the restoration of these toy pianos.

I would like to sell my Pianolodeons.  They have all been disassembled,
ready for cleaning and re-assembly.  Some will need repair of plastic
parts, so there may not be enough parts to complete all seven.

If there is someone out there in MMD-land that has a hankering to take
on the restoration of these, please contact me.  I know I probably have
more dollars invested in these than I could probably sell them for,
but I am motivated to pass them on to someone that has the time and
willingness to restore them, even if I lose money in the long run.
Please contact me if you are interested.  I am in Southern California.

Rich Ingram
Hesperia, California [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Tue 18 Sep 2018, 14:36:14 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  California, Chein, FS, PianoLodeon, So

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