[ Ref. Roger Wiegand in 180713 MMDigest ]
I applaud the Ephemera Society for encouraging collectors of original
literature. It is equally important within our special interest in
preserving original literature relative to such a unique slice of
musical heritage.
It is one thing to encourage collecting. It is quite another thing
making it available for digitizing into our on-line research libraries.
The magic and power of the Internet can make this literature available
for all dedicated to this special interest.
A very special consideration emerges with the passing of one of our
members. For many, their family may not fully appreciate the value
in all this "old paper" -- the real value is in the content. It would
be great if all of us, who may have some original literature, would
acquaint our families with the appeal to make that old paper available
for digitizing.
Terry Smythe
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada