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MMD > Archives > June 2018 > 2018.06.04 > 05Prev  Next

Selling Stephen Kent Goodman's Roll Collection
By Larry Norman

Over the next several months, we will be auctioning off the large Stephen

Kent Goodman roll collection.  The rolls run the gamut from nickelodeon,

Ampico, Duo-Art, Welte, 88-note and 65-note, both original and recut rolls.

There are over thirty cartons of rolls.  We are putting up on our eBay

Rollertunes site on eBay the "best of the best": ragtime, blues, one steps,

Pete Wendling, Charlie Straight, Zez Confrey, and some of the greats that

Max Kortlander and other great artists did, as I find them.  Something for

everyone's taste and wallet.  Some rolls are pretty rare.

We already have some of the rolls up on eBay and I am pleased to say that

some have already sold.  We have not quite figured out what to do with what

is left in each carton.   Some of the not-so-fantastic rolls, we have put

on our other website on eBay called mystufftoo-6.  But we are thinking of

offering you the chance to make an offer on the remaining rolls in each

carton or to make an offer on individual rolls that you may really want.

Conideration will be given to selling entire carton of rolls vs. individual

rolls.  It just depends on which way sells the most rolls.  There are still

some great rolls in the cartons and this is your chance to find that special

roll you always wanted.

Send me your email that you would like to participate in getting some great

rolls and I will let you know what is in each carton as it becomes available.


Larry Norman [ remote .geentroep to use ]

(Message sent Mon 4 Jun 2018, 11:51:10 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Collection, Goodman's, Kent, Roll, Selling, Stephen

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