A little while ago I queried members about early attempts by manufacturers
to synchronize phonograph records with piano rolls, as accompaniment. I
received several responses to that inquiry, which were very helpful.
I would like to ask again, this time with a little more focus. Here are
my specific questions.
Does anyone have advertisements/catalogs showing such combinations available,
other than the Seeburg Phono-Grand, P-G-A, the Apollophone, and the Welte
Does anyone know of a Phono-Grand or P-G-A that exists? It doesn't have
to actually work.
Were there any other attempts by manufacturers to synchronize the two
I would appreciate any suggestions, scanned advertisements that you email,
scanned roll catalog pages with roll and associated record numbers, plus
any information about European efforts to accomplish this marriage.
There were continuing efforts to synchronize silent film and the phonograph,
but that wasn't accomplished until the 1920's. Did any of those efforts
spill over into the player piano field?
I would also welcome any patent numbers for such ideas (besides the four
Welte patents, which I have).
It's a long shot but we are a merry band with information squirreled away
that we are willing to share.
John McClelland