Unknown Tunes On 12-aire Music Box
By Nancy Fratti
To Scott Currier who wanted tunes on a cylinder box identified [180515
MMDigest]. While I can't name those two tunes, I can tell you that
the box was made by Paillard. The speed control on the governor is
typical of Paillard.
One very important thing is the blue 'jewel' in your governor, which
is more than likely a piece of glass! I've seen similar ones put in
by the late Lloyd Kelly. It should be a synthetic ruby. Glass is
soft and will eventually 'pit' from the action of the pivot on the worm
hitting it. A synthetic ruby is the next hardest thing to a diamond
(it's a 9 on a scale of 10).
I have jewels if you want to replace it. However, _do not_ remove
the jewel or the jewel cap without having the box totally wound down!
You can cause major damage if you try to remove either with spring
tension still in the power train.
I also have a blank Paillard tune card that you could put on the
underside of the lid. As you learn tune titles (if you do) you
could have them printed on the card, just as was done originally.
Nancy Fratti - Nancy Fratti Music Boxes
Canastota, New York
(Message sent Wed 16 May 2018, 16:58:52 GMT, from time zone GMT.) |