There is a lot that can be done to raise the profile of mechanical
music, but it takes people who will do the work. Libraries are looking
for programs for kids. Portable mechanical musical instruments can do
_a lot_ to educate kids and adults alike. Schools often look for
similar programs.
In Israel, the Nisco Museum of Mechanical Music entertains school
children all week long who are brought there. The kids then take their
parents on the weekend. But Nisan Cohen, the owner; is now 91 years
old; he doesn't know how much longer he will be able to continue.
Most private collectors could do the same, but are afraid someone
will scratch a piano or other instrument. Collectors often value the
instruments more than they do people. Collectors are also very afraid
to let their neighbors know what they have, fearing robbery or something
worse. We need to open our homes, go to the places where people
gather, and let people know that we and our instruments even exist.
Vincent Morgan - Lady Liberty Chapter, AMICA
Writing from Israel